KAFSA - Korean Association of Foreign Student Administrators

KAFSA - Korean Association of Foreign Student Administrators
The globalization of Korean Universities is necessitated by the growing demand for human capital with global awareness and in order to export Korean education. The Korean Association of Foreign Student Administrators was founded in 1999 to exchange information between international relations department heads and working level personnel in institutions of higher learning, and is widely acknowledged as the representative for Korean Universities' international relations. 
KAFSA leads the globalization of Korean Universities and as an internal function, offers two workshops a year to educate and to exchange up to date information between member institutions. Externally, KAFSA cooperates with NAFSA, EAIE, JAFSA, CAFSA and other similar institutions of other nations to promote Korean University education and represent Korea. Also, KAFSA advises realistic policy directions to globalize Korean Universities, creating a solid foundation on which Korean Universities can build competitiveness and leapfrog to the next level. 
KAFSA is membership based and new members are accepted every year. Existing members must renew their membership annually. Two and four year colleges and universities can join as full members while other institutions related to college or university education can join as associate members. Member institutions will receive the latest information provided by KAFSA related to international relations and are eligible to participate in workshops or seminars hosted by KAFSA.


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