Note: 100%

Basé sur 3 les avis des étudiants.
"I find The Codrington Language Centre a wonderful solution for improving for improving english skill..."

Les commentaires ci-dessous ont été envoyés par les étudiants qui ont étudié à The Codrington Language Centre

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Commentaire personnel des élèves à propos de The Codrington Language Centre

Les commentaires sont classés par langue et date. 25 commentaires maximum par page

3 avis des étudiants
i´ve to say thank you to Ann the generous spirit and of course the taechers ,they made me a very warm welcome. the lesson have been based on the result of my online-test. funny but succesfull. .....and it was a great pleasure for me to learn on such a marvellous place. lovely beaches, warm-hearted people and sun sun sun............... i was so happy there
Réponse de The Codrington Language Centre: Margit, Thank you very much for your kind words, it was a pleasure to meet you, too. You certainly had fun and saw and did as much as you could while on our beautiful Island. Wee look forward to seeing you in the future> All the best: Ann

I find The Codrington Language Centre a wonderful solution for improving for improving english skills. My teacher Sylvia had the "real London english" I was looking for. Not too many people understand that, when studing in ex-colonie, it's not so hard to find English people . I found professionalism, competence and ...... why not ? The caribbean see I'll never see in London ! Moreover I have to say Barbadian people have a big heart, I enjoyed a lot my stay. Barbadian carnival is wonderful.
Réponse de The Codrington Language Centre: Stefano, What a great review you have given us, we greatly appreciate your feedback, we at the Centre continue to strive to give our students the best experience and knowledge with their ESL courses and of course the beautiful island of Barbados, (Gem of the Caribbean Sea). All the best from The Codrington Language Centre Team!

Réponse de The Codrington Language Centre: Hi Tanja, Thank you very much for your review, we greatly appreciate your feed back. All the best with your LIVE On-Line ESL lessons which we know you enjoy. The Codrington Language Centre Team.

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