Note: 87%

Basé sur 2 les avis des étudiants.
"I look to Avenue English School as very Good School and for those who wants to learn English, I reco..."

Les commentaires ci-dessous ont été envoyés par les étudiants qui ont étudié à Avenue English

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Points   87%
  Trés médiocre Médiocre Moyenne Bonne Excellent  
Equipements 80%
Emplacement 80%
Divertissement 90%
Enseignement 100%

Commentaire personnel des élèves à propos de Avenue English

Les commentaires sont classés par langue et date. 25 commentaires maximum par page

2 avis des étudiants
I look to Avenue English School as very Good School and for those who wants to learn English, I recommend, is very good choice. The best way to be succeed, is to do the thing that you want to do, with passion. I saw that detail at this School, they like what they do then its very easy for a student feel confortable and confident to talk in english and to address any challenge that needs english as communication language. The other thing that I would like to mention is I had opportunity to have
Réponse de Avenue English: Thank you, Nilza and Oswaldo! It was great having you with us and we hope that we can be of further assistance with your English language studies in the future.

i really enjoyed studying in that school; highly qualified teachers,interesting educational programs and very friendly atmosphere definitely helped me to improve my english and also left a lot of great positive memories. I'm very greatful for that opportunity.
Réponse de Avenue English: Thank you Maria - we hope to see you again soon!

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