Note: 97%

Basé sur 2 les avis des étudiants.
" This is an excellent small school where I felt very welcome from the minute I arrived. Vejer is a l..."

Les commentaires ci-dessous ont été envoyés par les étudiants qui ont étudié à Colegio de Español, La Janda

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Points   97%
  Trés médiocre Médiocre Moyenne Bonne Excellent  
Equipements 90%
Emplacement 100%
Divertissement 100%
Enseignement 100%

Commentaire personnel des élèves à propos de Colegio de Español, La Janda

Les commentaires sont classés par langue et date. 25 commentaires maximum par page

2 avis des étudiants
I've been in La Janda for 2 weeks taking daily lessons. Had an incredible time and substantially improved my Spanish skills. Everyone at the school - both teachers and administration team alike, have been nothing short of excellent. Vejer is one of the nicest towns I've ever been to and offered beautiful architecture, high-quality and affordable accommodation, great food and lovely bars, making the experience outside school hours very enjoyable. I will most definitely return as soon as possi

This is an excellent small school where I felt very welcome from the minute I arrived. Vejer is a lovely little town, the school is in an interesting and attractive building and the teachers and staff are incredibly helpful. The lessons were fun, we laughed a lot and I learnt a lot. My fellow students were nice too. I had worried that as a middleaged woman on my own I would feel a bit lonely and left out. I need not have worried! Full marks! I will go again, as soon as I can afford it. Annie

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