CELI (Certificato di lingua italiana) a Turin

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The Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana, (Certificate of Knowledge of Italian Language) or CELI is an internationally recognized qualification of the Italian language destined for foreigners wanting to validate their relative Italian fluency, offered by the Università per Stranieri di Perugia. It is accepted as an official qualification notably by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is one of the qualifications used by foreigners to get entrance into any Italian university or higher education institution. The CELI qualification represents one of the many Italian Language Examinations and is often taken by applicants with immigration, work and study needs or for pure passion.

CiaoItaly, Turin, Italie
Italien général 20 Leçons par semaine
Matériaux inclus
Our standard courses of Italian language and culture are organized for all levels and are established according to the needs of...
AIL ASILS Eduitalia
134,75 € par semaine
CiaoItaly, Turin, Italie
Italien général 20 Leçons par semaine
Matériaux inclus
These courses unite the dynamism of a group course with the flexibility of a small group. They are ideal for students with specific...
AIL ASILS Eduitalia
221,38 € par semaine
CiaoItaly, Turin, Italie
Italien général 15 Leçons par semaine
Matériaux inclus
Our standard courses of Italian language and culture are organized for all levels and are established according to the needs of...
AIL ASILS Eduitalia
115,50 € par semaine

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