• Language courses, the importance of speaking another language

    In order to get a better job, access to more information to travel safely and avoid communication problems to learn a second language is important today. It is also a fundamental requirement in our CV and it will say a lot about us and make us win or lose points during an interview. So if you love languages ​​and want to learn or improve a language not hesitate to do it .... ver más

  • Malvern House: L´école la plus moderne de Dublin

    Malvern studentsChers étudiants, aujourd´hui j´aimerai vous raconter mon expérience au sein de l´école Malvern House à Dublin. Je travaille pour LanguageBookings en aidant les étudiants à trouver l´école de langues la plus adaptée à leurs désirs et besoins. Je suis actuellement à Dublin afin de visiter les  écoles et c´est pour cela que j´ai pu étudier pendant une semaine au sein de Malvern House. Cette école est de loin l´école la plus moderne et technologique de la ville. Malvern House a ouvert ses portes en 2012 et propose une variété de cours et logements.... ver más

  • A great experience at Dorset College

    Liffey RiverHello everyone, I am Mauro, for LanguageBookings I work to help students from all over the world who for many reasons have decided to learn a new foreign language and want to study abroad. I love giving advice on my students about different schools and different destinations to learn a new language. That is the way I am attending courses in different schools, just to live a real experience of study abroad. Now I am in Dublin area and on this article I want to tell you about my pleasant experience lived at Dorset College Dublin.... ver más

  • Feel at home at Central College Dublin

    DublinHave you decided that Dublin is your ideal destination to study and improve your English? Good choice, Dublin is an international city that offers many services and a high standard of quality life with affordable prices. If you are trying not to spend a lot of money but you are looking for having a quality school, I can reccomend you Central College. This school is located in a strategic position just beside the Liffey river, the main river that divides the city into two parts, north and south.... ver más

  • Get your Delfin Dollar at Delfin English School

    Delfin English School Hello everyone, my name is Mauro and I want to tell you something more about Delfin English School in Dublin. At LanguageBookings I work to help students find the best school and the course that best suits their needs. For this reason I personally wanted to live the experience of studying for two weeks at the Delfin English School in Dublin, this school has just opened a new headquarters in London. As like as any student who books a course on internet, after booking I did an online English test to check my level of written Engish. The oral part of the test is did on the first day of school, which is always on Monday.... ver más

  • No need of Student Visa to study English in the UK

    A new visa rule came into force on Tuesday October 1st which permits visitors to the UK, on either a tourist or business visa, to study English when they are here on a visit or on business. In effect, this new ruling means visitors, within these visa categories, can study up to six weeks at an accredited and government approved English language school. Visitors can study in one six week block, or smaller blocks of time, provided the study period doesn’t exceed six weeks.... ver más

  • Study and Work in Australia

    I bet many of you have thought about the possibility of discovering the gorgeous continent of Australia while studying English; but what if we tell you that you can also work there? Which types of visa could I apply for? In order to be able to work legally you should hold one of these two visas: Working Holiday Visa or Student Visa.... ver más

  • Work and Study in Canada

    Yes! You’ve read well! Now you can go to Canada and study English or French with the possibility of paying for your studies. All this is thanks to the Coop program that allow us to offer you these great experiences here!   ... ver más

  • Favourite destinations versus recommended ones

    Which are the favorite destinations among our students? Which are the ones we recommend? You may think that the answers to these two questions are the same but in many cases they are not, actually. We first need to pay attention to the period of time where students decide to go abroad. The high season, which is the summer months in the European continent, is the one of high turnout. Many students wish to learn English, French or German – as the most famous second languages – They book their language courses and accommodation and they are ready to go. Which is their criterion when choosing destinations?... ver más

  • Portuguese in Brazil - attend the FIFA and the Olympic Games

    Learn Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro - the Brazilian city of contrasts. I guess you all know that the FIFA World Cup is taking place this next year 2014 in Brazil and also the Olympic Games are being held by Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Because of these two important events many people are very interested in travelling there, and not only that, but also in learning the local language: Portuguese ... ver más

  • My year in the United States

    In continuation with my previous post about Ireland, I must say that thanks to that experience at 15, I decided to enroll another fantastic adventure at 19, this time in the USA. I have always been passionate for languages, especially English. 6 weeks in Ireland + the lessons I took at an academy in my home town were not enough for me to feel comfortable with my level of English. A longer period and being surrounded by native speakers is needed to master any language. This was the reason that led me to travel to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean for a year. ... ver más

  • To my host family in Dublin

    Life can take you in many directions and no-one knows what tomorrow may bring – tell me about it. 10 years ago, when I was 15, I decided to go to Dublin to study English. My parents hesitated a bit since I was very young and it would the first time I would take a plane and be on my own completely; nevertheless, I was very determined to do it; I was not scared but very excited about it. My mother contacted an intermediary agency that dealt with language schools and host families, and thanks to the agents everything was arranged for me to go there for 6 weeks.... ver más

  • My two wonderful weeks at CES Dublin

    Trinity collegeDear students, with this article I want to speak with you. If you are looking for an English course abroad and your ideal destination is Dublin, so I have the school for you. The CES (Centre of English Studies) is present in Dublin, London, Oxford, Worthing and Leeds. For LanguageBookings I work to help students find the best school and the course that they needs. In the Irish capital I lived my personal experience at CES, for two weeks I attended an English course 20 hours per week. Now I would like to tell you a little about how was my experience, my feelings, my emotions, and give you some advice that I hope will be helpful.... ver más

  • Travailler et étudier en La Nouvelle-Zélande

    Trabaja y estudia en Nueva Zelanda Savez-vous quel c'est une "terre du grand nuage blanc" ? La Nouvelle-Zélande!    Peut-être vous avez pensé que, pour pouvoir voyager jusqu'à cette belle terre si lointaine, un grand investissement d'argent est nécessaire, mais : qu'est-ce qui vous semble si je vous dis que vous pouvez travailler tandis qu'étudier ? Ainsi, voyager et étudier sera plus acequible.... ver más

  • My great experience at ISI Dublin

    Mauro FossatiHi Everybody, my name is Mauro and I would like to tell you my experience lived in ISI Dublin. I am a student advisor at LanguageBookings, so everyday I talk with students wish to go abroad to learn or improve a foreign language. That was the reason I decided to attend a 1 week course in one of the most famous schools in Dublin. ISI Dublin is situated in the hearth of the city close to the Liffey River and a walk distance to O'Connell Street, the main street of Dublin. ... ver más

  • Comment rester en bonne santé à l'étranger?

    Une des choses les plus importantes lorsque vous voyagez à l'étranger, c'est votre santé. Assurez-vous de rester en bonne santé / pour profiter de chaque minute de cette expérience fantastique. Avant de partir, vérifiez auprès de votre médecin afin que vous puissiez rapporter sur les vaccins et les médicaments qui peuvent aider à vous sentir mieux si vous tombez malade à l'étranger, ainsi que de donner des conseils de santé pour garder vos fesses!... ver más

  • Comment peux-je rester en contact?

    Quand tu es à l'étranger, comment peux-tu rester en contact avec tous tes amis et ta famille? Très facile! Merci à le monde technologique que nous vivons dans ces jours, peu importe où tu es dans le planete, tu seras en mesure de rester en contact avec tous ceux que tu aimes en un clin d'œil. Tu peux les téléphoner, chat vidéo avec eux, leur texte, etc. Ici nous te donnons quelques conseils pour ne perdre la connexion jamais !... ver más

  • Quels documents dois-je porter pour voyager à l'étranger?

    Il y a plusieurs documents importants que tu ne deves pas oublier quand tu voyages à l'étranger. Tu devries toujours avoir ta carte d'identité avec toi lorsque tu traverses les frontières des pays. ... ver más

  • Différents types d'hébergement

    Il y a beaucoup de différents types de logements pour les étudiants étrangers qui étudient à l'étranger, qui varient d'un endroit à l'autre. LanguageBookings.com sait que le logement est un élément essentiel d'un cours de langue à l'étranger agréable.... ver más

  • Conseil pour choisir l'ècole de langues

    Le choix de l'école de langues est la première et plus importante étape lors de la planification d'un voyage d'apprentissage des langues. Où pouvez-vous étudier? Les destinations les plus populaires étudier les cours de langue sont Royaume-Uni, l'Irlande, Malte, Royaume-Unis, France, Italie, Espagne et dans les dernières années, l'intérêt pour les cours de langues en Chine, en Turquie ou au Portugal a augmenté.... ver más

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Complete guide for language study travel abroad Où apprendre à l'étranger?
Conseils pour trouver les meilleurs cours de langues
Comment tirer le meilleur parti de vos études à l'étranger?
Et bien plus encore!

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